Fraud Prevention & Risk Intelligence

Stop fraud, malicious bots, and account takeover (ATO) with 99.95% accuracy.

Fraud Protection & Risk Intelligence

Detecting Fraud
in Real Time

Protecting against fraud is now easier than ever before, our fraud protection and risk intelligence solutions have been united in a simple easy to use solution to help identify where your risks are, how to secure your digital perimeter and how to mitigate ongoing fraud.

Cross Platform Behavioral & Environment Metrics

When the first page of any web resource is loaded or a mobile app is launched, Web Snippet or Mobile SDK start collecting behavioral metrics of the user and the environment in which the mobile or web app is running.

Embedding Web Snippet into Internet portals and Mobile SDK into mobile apps used by banks, payment systems, e-commerce companies, or government portals makes it possible to collect anonymous parameters of end-user devices used to access user behavior. It also helps detect indicators of compromise and other non-confidential data for profiling sessions.

Web Snippet and Mobile SDK correlate data on user behavior on their devices when working through various channels of interaction with the bank and identify a wide range of cross-channel attacks, including attacks on third-party platforms that are most vulnerable to CNP attacks, such as online shopping platforms.

Our Fraud Prevention & Risk Intelligence solution checks requests made by the user’s device for cookies to determine whether they are correct and unique. Depending on the outcome our Fraud Prevention & Risk Intelligence solution decides whether bot activity has been detected or not.

Fraud diagram
Highest Device Identification Accuracy

Identify more visitors with superior accuracy.

Catch sophisticated fraudsters
Catch sophisticated

Associating current users with previous instances of fraud, even when the fraudsters attempt to hide their identity.

Improve trusted visitors user experience
Improve trusted visitors user experience

2FA and OTP can be skipped more often, providing personalized experiences for logged out users.

Superior accuracy on mobile and web
Superior accuracy on
mobile and web

Identifying users with confidence across all browsers and devices - including iOS and Safari.

Longest identification lifetimes
Longest identification

Associate historical data, behavior, and biometric data sources with your users over years, not days.

Our Industry-Tailored Approach

Regardless of your industry, our Fraud Protection and Risk Intelligence solution will counteract the most advanced fraud kits your organization could ever face.

  • Banking and Insurance
  • Retail and e-commerce


  • Online banking protection
  • CNP
  • Scam calls
  • Phishing
  • PSD2 compliant
  • Bruteforce
  • P2P protection
  • Malware
  • 3Ds Protection
  • GDPR compliant
  • Impersonation scam
  • Vishing
  • Payment fraud protection
  • Friendly fraud/chargebacks
  • Account takeover (ATO) fraud
  • Retail arbitrage fraud
  • New account fraud (NAF)
  • Gift card and fraud
  • Refund fraud
  • Promo-code fraud
  • Triangulation fraud
  • Interception fraud
Preemptive Fraud Intelligence

End fraud with preemptive insights.

With the overnight shift to online-first banking, mobile payments, and e-commerce during the pandemic, fraud evolved at the same lightning speed as consumer behavior. Across public and private sector organizations, legacy remote networking and anti-fraud systems were cannibalized by a new breed of opportunistic, but seasoned, cybercriminal predators.

Besieged by these offensively evolving and increasingly transnational cybercriminal fraud syndicates, financial institutions (FIs), virtual asset service providers (VASPs), and online marketplaces must modernize their defenses to combat next-generation threats. In the wake of the pandemic, combating fraud requires a new type of offensive strategy rooted in Preemptive Fraud Intelligence (PFI).

  • By assessing real-time data and mining the most imperceptible indicators of suspicious activity, Resecurity has the edge when it comes to offensively combatting fraud.
  • Integrate siloed fraud prevention and anti-money laundering (AML) monitoring systems into a next-generation Cyber Financial Intelligence (CyFI) compliance portal.
  • Our team can audit APIs and web applications to ensure security standards are up to date, while assessing their suitability for your organization’s broader digital mesh.
  • The Resecurity platform renders visually engaging and insight-rich displays that turn unique data correlations into cohesive stories that help you understand emerging trends and risks.
  • Resecurity synthesizes actionable risk insights from torrential streams of high-dimensional big data, empowering you discern signal from noise and make the right decisions.
  • Resecurity has one of the largest bot data lakes in the world, enabling the platform to detect and prevent malicious machine-scripted activity in any network and scale.
  • Our world-class Red Team unit can audit the security posture of any mobile app to ensure that even the most nascent threats are kept at bay.
  • Resecurity can audit every angle of your Web App’s security posture, mitigating risks and firewalling lurking attack vectors across your digital perimeter.
  • Weaponize advanced machine learning to immediately flag user behavior anomalies, based on historical use metrics and defined benchmarks.
  • Our Dark Web Monitoring solutions provide an-all-seeing eye into the Dark Web; if an employee name, company logo, document, photo, signature, or other enterprise identifiers are detected in the cybercriminal underworld, we’ll rapidly alert you to it.

Preemptive Fraud Intelligence
Preemptive Fraud Intelligence Engineered with Elite Capabilities
Superior Device Fingerprinting

Proprietary device fingerprinting technology, engineered with a global and ever-expanding library of identified malicious patterns and metrics that distinguish authentic human users from bot attackers, infected devices connecting remotely, and adversaries using specialized anti-detect browsers.

Platform-Agnostic Mobile Software Developer Kit

Next-generation SDK seamlessly integrates across a planetary spectrum of fintech, banking, e-commerce mobile applications and platforms, ensuring maximal interoperability with all web browsers and operating systems.

Holistic CyFI

Streamline the rapidly accelerating regulatory consolidation between AML and fraud compliance functions with Resecurity’s symbiotic Cyber Financial Intelligence data-sharing and analytics portal.


Weaponize leading-edge cognitive AI and machine learning algorithms to rapidly screen and detect all ‘known-knowns,’ ‘known-unknowns,’ and ‘unknown-unknown’ anomalies in high-dimensional and proliferating payment data sets.

Merchant Monitoring

Detect transaction laundering and expose malicious merchants misrepresenting their true business activities to all acquiring banks and e-commerce platforms hosting their miscoded card payments.

Benefits of Partnering with Resecurity
Putting the Customer 1st
Putting the Customer 1st

Attentive and personalized customer service, combined with always-on monitoring for active and incoming threats place the client at the center of the counter-fraud mission.

CyFi Integration
CyFi Integration

Leverage Resecurity’s full suite of threat intelligence, dark web monitoring, risk management, and cybersecurity capabilities to achieve 360-degrees Cyber Financial Intelligence, preempting the full spectrum of fraud actors and attack types.

Globally Compliant
Globally Compliant

When it comes to encryption, the protection of enterprise and customer data, and all traffic metadata, Resecurity adheres to the exact regulatory mandates specified by GDPR, the CCPA, and all other global regimes for information security and privacy.

Integration With All Major Cloud Providers

Cloud integrations enable Resecurity to run in a secure context, hardening and protecting your bot detection logic.

Microsoft Azure
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Cloud Architecture
Cloud Architecture
445 S. Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, CA 90071
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